Opportunity for YOU
Hello everyone reading my blog. Firstly, I feel that I should apologize for taking long without posting anything on this blog. And that this posting may not be all that informative about what I've been up to over here. (I actually haven't been up to all that much out on the island, so you're not missing out on all that much). I am looking forward to my visit back to america very soon, and then completing my service and moving back to the states at the end of April. Although I know I'm going to miss it here, and I really don't know what the next steps in my journey will be, it will be good to spend some time at home while figuring it all out.
I would like to share with you an opportunity. Through the Peace Corps Partnership Program, anyone can contribute online through the U.S. Peace Corps website to specific projects that Peace Corps Volunteers are doing. While I don't have a project there, some friends of mine here in Uganda do. You can follow this link and scroll down to the Uganda projects. The people who are doing these projects are completing their service around May of this year and need to finish up their projects before that, so they are hoping the projects will be funded soon.