The Chronicles of Nathan

Peace Corps adventures in Uganda, March 2006 - May 2008

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Winds of Change are a'blowin

About the time my prospects for people to partner with on projects in my area dried up like the dusty red soil in the dry season sun, the country director for the Peace Corps talked to an organization in need of a water/sanitation engineer and thought of me because she knew things weren't going anywhere at my site and I was invited to Uganda to work with water and sanitation projects anyway. The country director called me a week ago Friday when I was up on Network Hill and asked if I wanted her to persue this other assignment for me, but she didn't know much about it yet. By Wednesday it was decided that I would be moving. The organization had seen my resume and they wanted me to start ASAP.
Oil has recently been found at Lake Albert and now there are oil company shillings available for community support projects and this organization is partnered with the oil company. I talked to the head of the org on the phone, a South African chap, and he said there was a fishing village that was an imminent cholera or typhoid outbreak waiting to happen and he wanted me to go live there, design an appropriate latrine system, introduce it to the community, and get all the people to build and use them instead of the beach front they have been utilizing. After that he wants me to improve the water supply as the village currently has very poor water quality. He expressed urgency at getting the project going very quickly. I thought to myself, "Um, sure, I took care of situations like that all the time in the states, no problem." Actually, in the states, I just sat in a cubicle and played on the computer. It's easier said than done to do what he is proposing doing, as there are many factors involved and behavior change doesn't happen overnight. He described it to me as "a hell of a challenge" and there would be a lot of responsibility placed on me requiring flexibility, innovation, hard work, and in tough conditions. Sounds like a peace corps assignment to me, although this will be a somewhat atypical assignment.
He also said I would have the oil company's resources at my disposal. Also, an old peace corps volunteer from way back got on the phone, as he's been working for this organization short term, and he told me that he would love this assignment if he was younger; it's exciting and has lots of potential. I do think it has potential to be a good opportunity to make a real, visible difference and could be exciting and fulfilling; on the other hand I might get in over my head in crap, pun intended. Many PC assignments involve a lot of ambiguity, slow movement projects or ideas, and no way to see the long term difference you are making, but with this it may be easier to see improvement, if successful.

So, I will leave my mountains and farmers in Kabale district for a lake and fisherman in Hoima district; my life of leisurly drinking soda at the shop and working a few hours a week to hitting the ground running working hard on something I'm not quite sure how to go about accomplishing just yet. I will move across hemispheres; from the Southern to the Northern hemisphere (does that mean I will go from winter to summer?), and to an area that speaks a different, but somehow similar, language than I have been learning from the beginning of training.
The associate pc director who placed me at my site originally was planning on coming out to visit anyway because I have been complaining for a couple months about not having good prospects for people to work with, so when she came with a SUV, I loaded up all my stuff (took me about an hour to pack everything I have) for her to take to Kampala. I have said goodbye to the people I have met and the friends I have made and I will go to the PC office in Kampala Monday, then off to my new site, assuming the red tape is cut and the site can be evaluated by the PC in good time.

The other day I was walking with my friend Albert (who is a Ugandan about my age studying to become a doctor but lived just behind my house as he works at the health center for now), and we were talking about the recent developments with oil in Uganda. I told him that I thought oil would change things, but I didn't know how or if they would be changes for the better or worse. Little did I know that the changes would very soon impact me so directly.

You will have to bear with the posts on this blog, as I have limited internet time and don't usually proofread or fix mistakes. I'm in africa, work with me. :)


At 7/24/2006 1:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how things can change so quickly...after all one day the D3 group was visiting with Megan about her experiences in the PC and discussing how we sensed your frustation, then voila, presto chango. It all sounds very exciting!

I can not speak for the others Nathan, but I know that as you work, may God guide your path and give you wisdom. For I know that your focus is where it should be and your service will bless those you touch. Be assured that many here will continue to lift you up in prayer.

At 7/24/2006 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nathan, each time I read your blogs I am struck by the beauty and meaning of your words. You are quite the writer. I am also so very blessed to have been one of those who have watched you grow into this wonderful young man who so inspires the rest of us with your faith as you step into areas unknown. What a privilege to know you. I just came back from a mission trip to Colorado -- one of the things the kids were doing was packing up medical supplies to send to, of all places, Uganda. I thought it was so amazing that something we packed here might get to the center where you were living and told the kids this. They too, found it to be really amazing to think someone from our church living so very far away might touch a box that they had packed. Makes the world seem a little smaller. Thrilled that you may finally get to do some work that you moved there to be involved in. You are thought of frequently and prayed for daily. Keep doing all the great things you do to share your beautiful spirit with others. God Bless. Linda Swenson

At 7/25/2006 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Nathan: I am so happy that I am receiving your blog and hearing about all of your adventures! I am quite amazed at them; and amazed at YOU! Yes, you are a writer! I can't begin to imagine being in the place where you are and having the stamina for all your adventures and interpersonal exchanges with the people there! You will never forget them. When I first met you years ago a lot of the time you would be sitting on your Mother's Lap! I am happy to hear about your new location and that you will be dealing with a real challenge for your obvious skills. For me that doesn't mean that where you have been, was a mistake! Think of the lives you have touched in ways you'll never know. I wish you every good thing in this new endeavor that sounds like you will be able to SEE what you have accomplished. My love, prayers and admiration continue, grace and peace, jeannie kurtz

At 8/03/2006 7:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if you move from the Southern to the Northern hemisphere, does that mean the toilets flush in the opposite direction? I suppose the answer to that depends upon having a flushable toilet with water... Maybe you can build one so you can check it out. :-)


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