So this is a blog?
Yup, this is a blog, but it's not just any blog, this is MY blog.
This is where I will post messages and pictures for you to read and look at. I hope to use this to share my future experiences as a Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV) in Uganda. But I can write about anything I want to, so I might just do that.
For those new to blogs, the newest post will always be at the top, and you can see previous posts below it. Older posts can be found under the "archive" links at the right. You can read or leave comments for anyone to see by clicking on the "comments" link on each post.
For more info about blogs click here.
I may not be able to update this blog very often, so if you don't want to constantly check back to see if I've posted anything new, you can click on the link at the right to sign up to be notified by email through when I've updated my blog. You just type in your email address and then you will receive a confirmation email with a link to verify your sign up.